Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reading for Inspiration

2012 is almost over and so I've been reflecting on this past year.  I can't believe all of the changes my life has gone through.  This year alone I've adjusted to being pregnant, to being a mom, and being a working mom.  I've become a blogger, a knitter (not a good one yet, but maybe someday!).  I've made new friends, learned to interpret the cries of a baby and how to get by on fractured sleep.  I cooked my first Turkey at Thanksgiving (and it actually turned out to be edible!) and I'll host my first Christmas in a about a week for 20 people (yikes!).  In many ways my life is almost unrecognizable to me; it is so different from what it was last year at this time.  But, I've also worked hard to try to keep up with those parts of my life that are mine and in part define me.  I've continued to be a reader and I work hard to find time to work out.  I may not read as many books, or workout as often as I once did, but those are still a part of my life.  My husband and I still attend church weekly, but we take advantage of the Saturday evening service and we've managed to still host a weekly Bible study at our house.  When the weather was nice, and in the spring when it's nice again, we'll use our free time to kayak and hike and to carve out time for our marriage.

With all that in mind I've been reflecting on the type of reading I usually do and how I'd like to use my reading time in the future.  I've never been a big fan of reading inspiration or self help books.  I guess I've always been pleased with my life and so I've never felt the need.  But, the life of a working mom has awakened me to a whole new set of worries and stresses that I never knew I could have, so for 2013 I've found a few books I'd like to make time for to hopefully inspire me when times get tough and I feel overwhelmed.

  1. One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp- A friend of mine recommended this to me.  I've already put my name on the waiting list at the library for the ebook.
  2. Simple Abundance: A Day Book of Comfort and Joy by Sarah Ban Breathnach- I'm a bit skeptical about this book, but it seems popular.  I just wish I actually knew someone who had read it so I could know more about this book than the recommendation of strangers on random website.
  3. The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin- If I like this book, there's a sequel, Happier At Home, which I've also heard some good buzz about.
This is going to be a whole new genre for me.  Everyone though needs a bit of inspiration in their life from time to time.

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